Rolling Stone Bandcamp Friday, May 2021 Edition: Support Artists by Buying This Music
The music platform is waiving its revenue share for all purchases made on May 7th. Here are some recommendations from our staff to guide your browsing
By yossarian6/
The statistics of Bandcamp Friday speak for themselves: In the year-plus since the launch of the campaign, during which the platform has waived its revenue share for music purchased on the first Friday of each month, fans have paid artists more than $50 million dollars. “Bandcamp is like my life source,” metal auteur Trevor William Church told
Rolling Stone in 2019, no doubt speaking for many creators in the age of meager streaming royalties. Bandcamp Friday continues on May 7th read on for a slew of recommendations from
Published May 6, 2021, 4:22 PM
Chalk up another rock music-themed film for Dave Grohl.
The former drummer of Nirvana, who is now Foo Fighter’s singer-guitarist, has a new film out dubbed “What Drives Us.”
It adds to Grohl’s growing list of films including “Back And Forth,” “Sound City”, and “Sonic Highway.”
“All of the biggest bands in the world, they had to start somewhere,” Dave Grohl said at the start of the documentary. “Everybody I know started out like this: in a van.”
“What Drives Us” is a documentary about several influential bands and how their careers were launched touring in cramped vans.
Stage comedy set in pandemic delayed by. pandemic );
Lockdown in Little Grimley was originally due to be performed at Woodclyffe Hall in December but was postponed twice.
The planned production dates are now Thursday to Saturday, May 20 to 22 with two performances each night.
The capacity will be limited to 36 and members of the audience will probably have to wear face masks. People who originally booked tickets will have first refusal and will be contacted when the arrangements have been confirmed.
The three-act play, written by David Tristam, follows a hapless amateur dramatic group as they attempt to organise a show in the middle of a pandemic.
Gather round the pop-culture campfire, boys and girls. It s time for Uncle Edge and Cousin Exene and Grandpa Ringo to tell you a story about a crazy, beautiful time when future rock stars roamed the Earth in smelly vans, logging thousands of road miles for the privilege of playing live for you and a few dozen of your sweaty friends in a small, also-smelly nightclub near you.
Remember live concerts? Dive bars? The joys of discovering amazing bands long before they became famous? Foo Fighters leader and massive rock geek Dave Grohl remembers, and with his new documentary, What Drives Us, he wants to make sure that you and your fellow rock n roll friends never forget.
Gather ‘round the pop-culture campfire, boys and girls. It’s time for Uncle Edge and Cousin Exene and Grandpa Ringo to tell you a story about a crazy, beautiful time when future rock stars roamed the Earth in smelly vans, logging thousands of road miles for the privilege of playing live for you and a few dozen of your sweaty friends in a small, also-smelly nightclub near you.
Remember live concerts? Dive bars? The joys of discovering amazing bands long before they became famous? Foo Fighters leader and massive rock geek Dave Grohl remembers, and with his new documentary, “What Drives Us,” he wants to make sure that you and your fellow rock ‘n’ roll friends never forget.