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WILTON The Select Board will submit a letter of support to the Department of Transportation for an all terrain vehicle (ATV) access trail to go from Steve’s Family Market on Depot Street to Main Street.
Police Sgt. Ethan Kyes provided the board with a report of the potential access trail that included feedback from residents, business owners and nearby towns that also have ATV access.
“A lot of people were for the idea of the access route,” Kyes said in regard to 240 Facebook comments from residents. “Overwhelmingly about 75% was for the access route. The ones that weren’t for it were the ones most vocal.”
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WILTON The Select Board on Tuesday evening approved a $23,500 roofing bid by Arctic Roofing General Contractors based out of Lewiston for the water department’s building.
Town of Wilton
Water and Sewer Department Superintendent Heinz Gossman presented six bids to the board with Arctic offering the least expensive option.
The public works quarterly report was also approved stating there were 23 winter-related events as of Feb. 9 with the highest snow accumulation recorded at 12 inches.
The report also stated that Consolidated Communications will be transferring wires on Weld Road telephone poles, which prompted Selectperson Phil Hilton to ask about moving additional wires.
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The 20-year-old retaining wall along Wilson Lake’s shoreline needs repair. The Select Board on Tuesday approved a topographical survey of the area along Lake Road near Bass Park to support the engineering design replacing the retaining wall. Sevee & Maher Engineers will conduct the two-day survey and has estimated the cost at between $1,000 and $2,000.
Andrea Swiedom/Franklin Journal 2020 file photo
WILTON The process to replace one of the water and sewer department’s transmission lines, a multiyear project, is underway after the Select Board on Tuesday night approved Superintendent Heinz Gossman’s request to seek engineering proposals.
The town will apply for grants to cover costs of some of the engineering and construction, which will take place in segments.