Kelly set for brief return to city commission
The Apalachicola Times
On Friday afternoon, Carrabelle city commissioners voted to appoint former Carrabelle mayor Mel Kelly to a seven-and-one-half week term on the commission.
The commission weighed two letters of interest, the second by Mark Melcher, a member of Carrabelle planning and zoning. City Administrator Courtney Dempsey read the letters, in which each expressed a willingness to serve as interim commissioner.
Before the final vote, Melcher stood up to say he felt Kelly would be the most appropriate candidate to serve in this position.
Cal Allen moved, and Tony Millender seconded, a motion to appoint Kelly. Frank Mathes voted no, and Carrabelle Mayor Brenda La Paz avoided a deadlock by casting the deciding third vote.
January 18, 2021
Here is a look at the government offices that are closed due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday, and the ECUA sanitation collection schedule.
Below is a listing of Escambia County offices and departments closed Monday, January 18 in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.
Escambia County Board of County Commissioners - All departments, including:
West Florida Public Libraries (All locations – normal hours will resume Tuesday, Jan. 19)
The Escambia County Animal Shelter will be closed to the public. Animal Control will work emergency calls only.
Escambia County Property Appraiser
A mix of familiar and new faces were sworn into office last Tuesday afternoon to take over a number of elected county positions.
In front of a judge and crowd of masked onlookers at the front of the Alachua County courthouse, the newly elected officials took the oath of office to lead one of the following departments: Supervisor of Elections, Tax Collector, State Attorney, Property Appraiser, Public Defender, Clerk of Court and Sheriff’s Office.
While a few seats were won by longstanding elected officials, a few were won by new people.
Former Assistant State Attorney Brian Kramer officially took over for the departing Bill Cervone who’s held the seat for 20 years.
Some poll workers denied unemployment benefits after working Election Day
Although the workers only worked one day or so, the Department of Economic Opportunity recognizes them as full-time employees of the Supervisor of Elections Office. Author: Josslyn Howard Updated: 7:05 AM EST December 16, 2020
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. A Florida woman who helped protect one of our freedoms as Americans said she is now being penalized for it.
Krista, who lost her job as a teacher at a Montessori school, volunteered to be a poll worker on election day. As a result, her unemployment benefits have been halted for doing serving on Election Day.