State Roundup: More than 1M doses of Covid-19 vaxx delivered to Marylanders; expansion of tax credit to non-citizens moves forward over GOP objections
Photo by NickyPe on Pixabay
1M+ DOSES GIVEN IN STATE: Bryan Renbaum of Maryland Reporter writes that Maryland’s health care providers have administered more than 1 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine, Gov. Larry Hogan said Friday. “Even with this good news, this will continue to be a long process for many more months before enough vaccines will be available,” Hogan said in a 2-minute video.
M&T STADIUM VAXX CANCELED FOR THOUSANDS: Thousands of Marylanders signed up for vaccine appointments at M&T Bank Stadium, only to have them canceled after the University of Maryland Medical System said the booking link was made “inadvertently” public, McKenna Oxenden and Christine Condon of the Sun report.
As of Wednesday, at least 1,737 COVID-19 vaccines have gone to waste in the state from the time the first vaccines arrived in December, according to the Maryland Department of Health.
By NATHAN RUIZ | The Baltimore Sun | Published: February 19, 2021
Stars and Stripes is making stories on the coronavirus pandemic available free of charge. See more staff and wire stories here. Sign up for our daily coronavirus newsletter here. Please support our journalism with a subscription. BALTIMORE (Tribune News Service) Judy Folkenberg went to sleep last Friday with her laptop, phone and tablet sprawled around her. The 69-year-old Kensington resident woke up throughout the night to hit refresh on each device, desperate for the one thing many Marylanders want: a COVID-19 vaccination appointment. Maryland lacks a centralized hub to request appointments, so Folkenberg clicked through the websites of pharmacies, grocery stores and hospitals, those efforts continuing to prove fruitless. Then Folkenberg turned to Facebook, where the “Maryland Vaccine Hunters” group she had joined had grown into a resource for thousands to trade advice on how to get an appointment.
“Maryland Vaccine Hunters” is a Facebook group with more than 16,000 members devoted to helping residents navigate the state's systems and get a coronavirus vaccination appointment.
“Maryland Vaccine Hunters” is a Facebook group with more than 16,000 members devoted to helping residents navigate the state's systems and get a coronavirus vaccination appointment.