Researchers to study health care providers’ influence on COVID-19 vaccine acceptance
Follow-up survey aims to alleviate widespread vaccine hesitancy found in earlier research By Susan E.W. Spencer enero 07, 2021
Now that two COVID-19 vaccines have received Food and Drug Administration emergency authorization, with more on the way, how do we encourage widespread acceptance among the public?
Two UMass Medical School researchers who surveyed Americans about their attitudes toward a COVID-19 vaccine last spring are preparing another study to evaluate ways for health care providers to talk with patients about COVID-19 vaccination.
Kimberly Fisher, MD, and Kathleen Mazor, EdD
“A strong recommendation from a health care provider is one of the most influential factors in somebody deciding to be vaccinated,” said Kimberly Fisher, MD, associate professor of medicine and co-author of the survey on attitudes toward a COVID-19 vaccine published i