The City of Buffalo has a number of projects on the schedule for this summer, and is awaiting spring weather to get started on them.
Buffalo Mayor Shane Schrader talked with Sheridan Media about some of the projects that are planned for this spring and summer.
The Fetterman/Burritt project will finish up by continuing reconstruction of the roadway west to Fort Street, and also move east to Burritt and north to the stoplight.
The Flatiron Drive reconstruction project is expected to go out to bid probably by the end of the month.
The reconstruction will be done in concrete as opposed to asphalt, which will help the road surface last longer.
Buffalo Mayor Shane Schrader’s recommendations for appointments to various boards and committees were discussed and approved by the city council during their recent meeting.
Boards gaining members included JOCO First, the Planning and Zoning Board, Mountain Plains Heritage Park Joint Powers Board and the Tree Board among others.
Those approved will serve multi-year terms on the boards.
Approved were:
Rick Durfee to a 2-year term on the Mountain Plains Heritage Park JPB
Travis Lawrence to a 4-year term on the Optional 1% Sales Tax Committee
Kate Harness and Rick Myers to 3-year terms on the Planning & Zoning Board
Travis Lawrence to a 2-year term on the Pool Board