Two current and two recent members of the American Legislative Exchange Council, including one state chair, spent weeks lying about voter fraud and then participated in the events directly preceding the bloody coup attempt.
Five years and four days after armed militiamen took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, a remote federal wildlife preserve in eastern Oregon, for 41 days, supporters of President Donald Trump stormed and briefly occupied the United States Capitol in D.C.
It’s not hard to trace the links between Malheur and Washington: Familiar insignia, instigators, and ideologies fueled both anti-government actions. Extremist leaders and movement regulars from the Western U.S., including former Washington state Rep. Matt Shea, who supported the efforts from afar in Spokane, and recent Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jo Rae Perkins, who joined the crowd that laid siege to the Capitol, helped fuel the melee. Backing their message, if not their tactics, was a bevy of Western legislators, who lent the movement legitimacy by supporting Trump’s baseless election fraud claims.
January 6, 2021 9:55 PM Alex Crescenti
SPOKANE, Wash.– A large group of protestors gathered in the Spokane Arena parking lot on Wednesday to show their support for President Trump. They say they don’t accept the results of the election even though all 50 states have certified their elections and Joe Biden is the winner.
Organizers of the event say they’ve had multiple rallies with no violence and wanted that to continue today saying they didn’t like what was happening in D.C.
“Oh don’t like it. When I sent the news media out on this I said we were going to have a happy rally,” said Kim Price, a Trump supporter.
Young Kwak photo Kim Arrotta, co-owner of Northtown Auto Sales, was frustrated that a next-door business, a sex shop, remained open throughout the spring shutdown.
LOCKDOWNS PITTED ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES AGAINST EVERYONE ELSE Previous years introduced new slang like manspreading and metrosexual into the cultural lexicon. In 2020? We got phrases like social distancing and essential businesses, bland jargon that our lives and our livelihoods depended on. By March 23, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee had officially issued his Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, shuttering most businesses in an attempt to slow the spread of the coronavirus before it completely overwhelmed our health care system.