U.S. Attorney s Office for the Eastern District of Texas issued the following announcement on May 10.
In honor of National Police Week, Acting U.S. Attorney Nicholas J. Ganjei recognizes the service and sacrifice of federal, state, local, and Tribal law enforcement. This year, the week was observed Sunday, May 9 through Saturday, May 15, 2021.
“This week was a time to honor our law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation,” said Attorney General Garland. “I am constantly inspired by the extraordinary courage and dedication with which members of law enforcement act each day, putting their lives on the line to make our communities safer. To members of law enforcement and your families: we know that not a single day, nor a single week, was enough to recognize your service and sacrifice. On behalf of the entire Department of Justice, you have our unwavering support and eternal gratitude.”
East End Addiction Treatment Reaches Fever Pitch During COVID-19 Pandemic 8 Photos
Quannacut Outpatient Services in Riverhead
A Candle Light Vigil for those lost to addiction was held on Saturday evening in Good Ground Park in Hampton Bays. The event was sponsored the Southampton Town Addiction and Recovery Committee. DANA SHAW
A Candle Light Vigil for those lost to addiction was held on Saturday evening in Good Ground Park in Hampton Bays. The event was sponsored the Southampton Town Addiction and Recovery Committee. DANA SHAW
Drew Scott speaks at the Candle Light Vigil for those lost to addiction on Saturday evening in Good Ground Park in Hampton Bays. The event was sponsored the Southampton Town Addiction and Recovery Committee. DANA SHAW
In honor of National Police Week, Acting U.S. Attorney Nicholas J. Ganjei recognizes the service and sacrifice of federal, state, local, and Tribal law enforcement.
Memorial Prayer for FedEx Victims at Lucas Oil Stadium
Los Angeles, May 10, 2021 KP Singh/ Ramesh/ A.Gary Singh Grewal
At Lucas Oil Football Stadium Honored Eight Victims of Indianapolis FedEx Facility Shooting:
Matthew R. Alexander, 32; Samaria Blackwell, 19; Jasvinder Kaur, 50; Amarjeet Kaur Johal, 66; Amarjit Kaur Sekhon, 48; Jaswinder Singh, 68; Karli Ann Smith, 19; John “Steve” Weisert, 74;
A Prayerful Reflection: Kanwal Prakash “KP” Singh
At each gathering and Candlelight Vigil, our hands and hearts rose in Ardaas (Prayer) for these beautiful souls to Rest in Peace as we memorialized and sang that our Love and Blessings go with them and their Lives, Legacies, and Stories are forever bound with our own. Many thoughtful messages received from many friends, organizations, and across diverse spectrum echo similar sentiments. At the Lucas Oil Football Stadium: Indiana Governor Eric J. Holcomb, Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett, Whitehouse representative, Er
Peace Officers Memorial Day Is May 15 In South Dakota
If you see flags in the Sioux Empire at half-staff on Saturday, May 15, it s most likely in honor of Peace Officers Memorial Day. This day is set aside to honor those officers that have given the ultimate sacrifice while serving their communities in South Dakota and around the country.
The holiday is part of the larger National Police Week that occurs each year from May 9 through the 15th. The epicenter of events occurs at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial wall in Washington, DC. The names of more than 21,000 law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty are displayed on the memorial s walls.