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Subscriber only Sure, the blue skies and sunshine might look calming but trust us, according to the Bureau of Meteorology, more wild weather is on the way. On Tuesday afternoon BOM Meteorologist Melody Sturm said residents and visitors in Northern NSW should be prepared for severe weather later on Tuesday and on Wednesday. There have been a few thunderstorms over the Northern Rivers and along the border with Queensland, she said. Across the same areas there is a thunderstorm possibility for Tuesday and again on Wednesday. The BOM is predicting for the rest of Tuesday a partly cloudy afternoon with a high (80 per cent) chance of showers, most likely during the afternoon and evening and the chance of a thunderstorm during this afternoon and evening.
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Subscriber only Residents and visitors to the region should be vigilant as the Bureau of Meteorology has issued an alert for severe thunderstorms, including heavy rainfall and the subsequent risk of flash flooding on the Northern Rivers On Monday January 18, 2021, BOM Meteorologist, Melody Sturm, said the far north east of NSW continues to be exposed to the risk of heavy rain. There s a chance of severe thunderstorms and heavy rain all over the Northern Rivers area, she said. If they do get severe thunderstorms and heavy rain, there will also be damaging wind gusts and large hail and then flash flooding is also a big threat.
2 months old
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Tasmania and South Australia also experiencing high temperatures and winds, with a fire at Lucindale a threat to lives and homes
People dive into the sea from the pier at St Kilda beach. The hottest day in almost a year is forecast for Melbourne while NSW, Victoria and Tasmania will experience temperatures up to 15C above average. Photograph: Scott Barbour/Getty Images
People dive into the sea from the pier at St Kilda beach. The hottest day in almost a year is forecast for Melbourne while NSW, Victoria and Tasmania will experience temperatures up to 15C above average. Photograph: Scott Barbour/Getty Images