SCS, parents seek ways to end bullying
By Melanie Speicher -
SIDNEY What is the solution to remove bullying from Sidney City Schools? That was the question asked by community members during Monday’s Sidney City Schools Board of Education meeting at Sidney High School.
Sidney Police Chief Will Balling said bullying is not a new problem in schools or communities. He said the addition of social media to the situation is causing even more problems.
“We need to work together as a community and talk about these issues. It’s not going to be solved overnight.”
Former SCS employees file complaints
COLUMBUS Fourteen former Sidney City School District employees have filed complaints with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission.
According to Marry Turocy, director of Public Affairs and Civic Engagement, the names of those filing complaints are public record. However, the details of the complaint cannot be released until the cases are concluded.
Filing complains were Tracey Landrum, Charles Havener, Reba Tippie, Kenna Chavez, Judith Shepherd, Doug Zimmer, Brenda Thompson, ShaRonda Johnson, John Michalos, Renee Hamilton, Erika Foster-Wheeler, Charles Tucker Jr., Tiffani Foy and Jayne Evans.
The contracts of the staff members were non-renewed due to a reduction in force during the board of education’s May 18, 2020, meeting. Landrum, Havener, Tippie, Shepherd, Thompson, Johnson, Hamilton, Foster-Wheeler, Tucker, and Foy were all aides with the district. Michalos was a member of the IT staff.
‘Open your heart and give hope’
By Melanie Speicher -
Sidney-Shelby County YMCA CEO David O’Leary takes part in a Zoom call on his office computer on Thursday, March 4.
Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News
Sidney-Shelby County YMCA Board of Directors President Rhonda Keister welcomes people to a Zoom call at the Sidney-Shelby County YMCA on Thursday, March 4.
Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News
SIDNEY Tom Clark is more than a husband, father, grandfather, educator and coach. He is a man who believes in everything the YMCA stands for.
Clark was the testimonial speaker during Thursday’s kickoff for the annual Community Partner Campaign. He shared how the Sidney-Shelby County YMCAs Delay the Disease program helped give him back his life. Clark was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in the earl 2000’s.
Board approves contracts, retirements
By Melanie Speicher -
SIDNEY Retirements and approval of staff for the 2021-22 school year were approved during the Sidney City Schools Board of Education meeting Tuesday night.
Following an executive session at the beginning of the meeting to discuss personnel, the employment of one staff member was pulled out of the personnel matters to be acted upon separately.
The motion to vote on the employment of Jason McLain was made by board President Jason Schaffner. McLain, who is currently the business manager for the district, was on the agenda to be hired as Sidney High School assistant principal and food services director.