Addis Standard: What made you select the title for your research?
Muluken Kassahun: The selection started from the framework of the study. There were thematic areas of studies in which the Center for Advancement of Rights and Democratic (CARD) announced for the research fellowship. From the criteria indigenous knowledge and women’s rights issues were among the thematic areas. So my original title was Atette and Sinqee.:The role of Atette and Sinqee for women’s rights. My focus was on the rights of women inside the indigenous Gadaa System. Which was not researched well as the Gadaa system itself. Even in the public most of the time we see Abba Gadaas more, the role of the women and their rights was unknown. In the Gadaa system the age category goes from eight to one hundred twelve and up to eighty for those who were serving. This category is for the men’s from this we have to studied the role of the women. There are some places in which Sinqee system is very activ
19 to be independent predictors for incident CVD. In response to the recent rise of CVDs in developing countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified very cost-effective interventions that are applicable even in low-resource settings for prevention and control of CVDs.
Although the WHO predicts a rapid increase of CVDs in SSA by 2030, researchers perceive that CVDs are not a priority public health problem in the region.
21 This perception is undermining the existing burden of the problem in this continent. Despite CVDs continuing to devastate human survival through the premature deaths of its workforce in developing countries, the few studies in Ethiopia have been limited to cross-sectional studies, which alone are insufficient to assess the risk of incident cardiovascular events. Therefore, we determined the incidence and predictors of cardiovascular disease among diabetic patients, from 2012 to 2020.
Background: Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous clinical syndrome secondary to defects in insulin secretion, action, or both. The worldwide fatality and disability rate imposed diabetic patients for insulin self-administration regardless of a scarcity of their knowledge, attitude, and practices. Thus, the study aimed to assess knowledge, attitude, and practice towards insulin-self administration among diabetic patients attending Bedele Hospital, southwest of Ethiopia.
Methods: A facility-based cross-sectional study was conducted by a consecutive sampling technique at Bedele Hospital from 15 December 2019 to 22 January 2020. A pretested structured English version relevant questionnaire translated to local language was administered on 196 subjects. Data were tested for clarity, consistency and analyzed using The Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 23 and summarized using descriptive statistics in the form of tables and figures.
38 Jazan, Saudi Arabia (22.3%)
15 and Thailand (8.9%).
34 The higher prevalence in the present study could be due to poor quality of diabetes care service, lower level of education, the measurement tool used to quantify the level of diabetic distress, and other forms of stressors.
Several studies among diabetic patients had found higher prevalence of DRD than the present study. Studies that were done in Bangladesh
13 using the DDS-17 scale showed that almost half of patients with T2DM had DRD. Studies in Ghana
19 reported that 44.7% and 51.9% of patients had high levels of DRD, respectively. This discrepancy between the previously reported DRD magnitude and the current prevalence might result from better family and social support implemented in our societies and patients might have under-rated their level of distress. The difference might also be due to variation in coexisting medical problems besides diabetes among study participants. A number of studies have shown that develop