He is due back in court on June 2, allowing him time to consult with a lawyer.
The prosecution did not oppose Lynch’s release, but it came with a lengthy list of conditions: keep the peace and report to court as required; report to a bail verification officer and follow their instructions; live in a residence approved by the bail officer (likely to be in Alberta); not have contact with the named complainant; not attend the complainant’s home, workplace or place of education; not refer to the complainant directly or indirectly while using social media; have no contact with anyone under 18 years unless in the company of an adult who is fully informed of the allegations against Lynch; not obtain or continue employment or volunteer work in which he would be in a position of trust or authority over anyone under 18; not use a computer system to communicate with anyone under 18; not coach in any sport where the athletes are under the age of 18; and not participate in any conditioning o