Significant EDD reforms headed to California legislature
EDD reforms headed to California legislature
The reforms to fix the California Employment Development Department are headed to the legislature for approval. Tom Vacar reports.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A flurry of EDD reform bills have been submitted to the California legislature to fix, once and for all, EDD s inability to get out of the morass of delays and denials facing millions of unemployed Californians.
After a year of relentless EDD complaints to legislators offices, many are acting in unison. Every day my colleagues and I hear from thousands of desperate Californians who are in dire straits, said Assemblyperson Cottie Petrie-Norris, (D) Laguna Beach.
The California Employment Development Department. (Courthouse News photo / Nick Cahill)
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CN) Inheriting a mounting bureaucratic disaster that has floated lifelines to inmates but left newly jobless Californians broke, lawmakers on Thursday called for a reboot of the state’s Employment Development Department.
Pressed to act after a series of criminal investigations and audits revealed inmates and fraudsters took the department for at least $10 billion during the pandemic, a group of Assembly members say sweeping changes are needed to make the troubled department functional once again.
“We want to fix it,” said Assemblyman Rudy Salas, D-Bakersfield. “EDD needs to be reformed, it needs to more responsive to Californians especially during a time of need.”
EDD decision means 1.7 million people could owe money
A state audit highlighted a questionable decision that EDD made early in the pandemic to suspended some certifications. Now people might have to pay EDD back. Author: Josh Lyle Updated: 6:09 PM PST January 27, 2021
SACRAMENTO, Calif An audit of the Employment Development Department (EDD) is highlighting a decision that department leaders made early in the coronavirus pandemic, which could now mean 1.7 million people will need to pay money back.
As Dollars and Sensefirst reported in November, the decision dates back to early in the pandemic, when EDD faced a huge backlog and told people not to submit their certifications. But it turns out EDD may have overpaid on hundreds of thousands of claims, and now it wants people whose only mistake was following EDD’s instructions, to pay them back for the department’s error.
Newsom lifts stay-at-home order, some regions return to restrictive purple tier
Changes are coming for restaurant businesses and others after Governor Gavin Newsom lifted the regional stay-home-order in California.
Posted at 5:03 PM, Jan 25, 2021
and last updated 2021-01-26 13:38:35-05
SACRAMENTO, Calif. â Changes are coming for restaurant businesses and others after Governor Gavin Newsom lifted the regional stay-home-order in California.
Three of the five regions in California were under the most recent stay-at-home order including the San Joaquin Valley which includes Kern County. Now Governor Newsom confirmed Monday that the entire state is transitioning back into the reopening system we ve all seen before.