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Sputnik International
Armand "Bud" Joseph Turcott, Jr., born Wednesday, April 8,. - Bethwood, CT - Armand “Bud” Joseph Turcott, Jr., born Wednesday, April 8, 1942 in Bridgeport, first born son of and 1 of 5 children to the late Evelyn Beck Turcott and late Armand Joseph Turcott, Sr., passed away at his Monroe home of 41 years with his daughters beside him on Friday,.
Islamabad: As a follow-up of the cabinet committee decision to pre-book over 1 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines from Chinese company Sinopharm, the federal government has decided to set up vaccine administration centres in all districts to ensure that immunisation is carried out at grassroots level.
A special session of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) was informed that master trainers would be imparted knowledge about the inoculation process and they in turn would train healthcare workers on administering the vaccine.
The training sessions for the master trainers will be held in all provinces and in the federal capital.
The NCOC meeting was held to discuss the national vaccine strategy and the plan to immunise the maximum number of citizens in the shortest possible time.