MedCity News
Truepill becomes a ‘triple threat’ with diagnostics
Truepill, the company operating behind-the-scenes to help digital health companies with pharmacy fulfillment and telehealth visits, has added a third feature: at home testing. CEO Umar Afridi hopes the trio of services will create a seamless experience for most people’s basic health needs.
Truepill, a company operating behind-the-scenes of several well-known digital health brands and health plans, added another tool to its repertoire: diagnostics. The San Francisco-based company is now ‘triple threat’ of sorts, offering white-labeled pharmacy fulfillment, telehealth and lab testing all in one place.
“There’s no other company that offers all three under one roof where it’s a seamless experience,” CEO Umar Afridi said in a phone interview.
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MedCity News
Docbot CEO highlights how AI can be applied to gastrointestinal image analysis
Docbot CEO Andrew Ritter talked about how the predictive analytics business seeks to shake up how clinicians diagnose gastrointestinal disease by changing the way medical images are analyzed.
In an interview, Docbot CEO Andrew Ritter talked about how the predictive analytics business seeks to shake up how clinicians diagnose gastrointestinal disease by changing the way medical images are analyzed.
Why did you start this company?
The original co-founder, Andrew Ninh started the company because he experienced a collapsed lung which caused him to miss his high school graduation. During this time, he saw that healthcare desperately needed IT systems that are safer for patients, physicians and nurses. He later met Dr. William Karnes, a leading gastroenterologist at UC Irvine, who explained the current standard of care for colonoscopies. Together, they started Docbot, a predictive ar
In a move that ACOs found "disappointing," CMS has declined to extend the Next Generation ACO Model beyond 2021. Though evaluations have found that the model did not generate net savings for Medicare, proponents argue that the program was successful.