The Muskrat Dam First Nation has declared a State of Emergency. This is due to a power shortage. The community has three diesel generators, but only o.
Dryden, ON, Canada / CKDR
Feb 5, 2021 1:43 PM
Left to right: Darrin Spence, IFNA Emergency Operations; Connor Howie, IFNA Health Services Manager; Roy Fiddler, Community Pandemic Lead; Chief Gordon Beardy; Councillor Doug Beardy/Photo Supplied
Residents of Muskrat Dam First Nation have received their vaccine against COVID-19.
Chief Gordon Beardy, Community Councilors and other Leaders were some of the first in line to receive their first dose on February 1.
According to Chief Beardy 86% of eligible community members, over the age of 18, were vaccinated.
“Like everyone, Muskrat Dam wants to see an end to this pandemic. We did our part, and this week hopefully marks the beginning of seeing that come to fruition.”