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Social Media Lights Up as US Congress Announces Deal on Modest COVID-19 Relief Package the critical hour/202012221081538091-social-media-lights-up-as-us-congress-announces-deal-on-modest-covid-19-relief-package/
Leaders in the US Senate on Sunday announced that a deal had been made on a bipartisan pandemic stimulus package worth some $900 billion, which is viewed by many economists as too little, too late. /
Dr. Linwood Tauheed, associate professor of economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, joins us to discuss the recently announced US COVID-19 relief package. The final numbers are surprisingly low and have prompted a furious response by activists on social media. Additionally, many economists argue that the modest amount allotted to struggling citizens is not nearly enough to address rent and food money shortages and spike a lagging US economy.
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