The Apocalypse is Upon Us Assemble Entertainment’s Most Successful Title Heads to Steam for a Full Launch This March and Teases a Major Expansion
WIESBADEN, GERMANY (January 28, 2021) Publisher Assemble Entertainment, best known for point-and-click adventure
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry, and developer Gentlymad Studio, are thrilled to announce today the official release date for multi-award-winning survival simulation
Endzone – A World Apart. Launching on Windows PC via Steam and GOG on March 18, 2021,
Endzone – A World Apart introduces players to a broken and desolate civilization ripe for the taking; while what’s left of humanity seems all but forsaken, it’s up to players to rebuild and restore a world worth fighting for.
January 10, 2021 17:51 IST
The community testing regime, until now available to those displaying symptoms, has been expanded to cover anyone unable to work from home to access the rapid lateral flow tests that give results in 30 minutes.
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A healthcare professional prepares a dose of Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for health and social care workers at the Life Science Centre at the International Centre for Life.
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The community testing regime, until now available to those displaying symptoms, has been expanded to cover anyone unable to work from home to access the rapid lateral flow tests that give results in 30 minutes.