Herman by Jim Unger for April 04, 2021
April 03, 2021
dflak 6 days ago
Sounds reasonable to me. Your honor, my client has learned his lesson. He’ll never kill his mother again.
ViewsEurope by CartoonArts International for April 04, 2021
April 02, 2021
ncorgbl 7 days ago
Biden got up with no assistance while tRump needed Melania’s arm on that infamous escalator, two hands to drink a glass of water, and an Army Officer holding him on that slight inclined ramp at West Point.
Nancy Classics by Ernie Bushmiller for April 05, 2021
April 02, 2021
Boy: Wanna buy this pen for a quarter? -It writes UNDER WATER.
Nancy: O.K. This pen doesn t write under water.
Boy: Sure it does. There.
Wall reads: UNDER WATER 16