When Vicky Donor made a breakthrough in Hindi cinema, Kalyana Samayal Saadham did the same in Tamil movies, which was later made as Shubh Mangal Saavdhan in Hindi. The success of these films resulted in more comedies based on sex and unconventional subjects like Badhaai Ho, Dream Girl, Bala, and Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan featuring Ayushmann Khurrana in the lead.
The protagonist’s propensity to perceive sexual prowess, or lack thereof, as the sole defining factor of a relationship is indicative of the film’s murky politics and negates its predictable message.
After the trailer of Amazon Prime Video s Telugu flick, Ek Mini Katha dropped online, it made all the right noises receiving immense love from the audie.
Ek Mini Katha makes a Boring Watch even on OTT: Tollywood audience did not have any good attempts except Cinema Bandi in the recent times across the OTT platforms. Top production house UV Creations backed a small film titled Ek Mini Katha which is laced with a dose of adult content.