May 8, 2021
Editor’s note: Cancellations and postponements that are made due to the novel coronavirus outbreak will be listed as a service to our readers. Listings are from the first date of postponement or cancellation. When you submit an item for this listing, please include whether it was previously sent to our calendar. If the event is postponed, please include the new date.
¯Yeagertown Senior Center Suspended bingo, dominoes and lunches until further notice.
¯State Sen. Jake Corman Office is open by appointment only. Call (717) 242-2410 for an appointment. Staff continues to answer calls and emails.
¯Coffee with friends Monday and Friday, Lack Tuscarora EMS, East Waterford. Suspended until further notice.
From staff reports
Mifflin County reported 16 new cases of COVID-19, according to data released Friday by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Mifflin County has now had 5,253 cases since the pandemic began in March 2020.
Juniata County reported three new cases (2,080 total), Snyder County saw five (3,565), Huntingdon County’s total rose by 10 (4,983) and Perry County added 15 (3,703) to its total.
No deaths were reported in any of the five local counties Friday. The to-date COVID death totals are Mifflin County 176, Juniata County 84, Snyder County 84, Huntingdon County 129 and Perry County 100.
There are now 12,728 people fully vaccinated in Mifflin County, 5,784 in Juniata County, 9,816 in Snyder County, 12,636 in Huntingdon County and 10,575 in Perry County. People are considered fully vaccinated after receiving a one-dose vaccine or both required doses of a two-dose vaccine.
The house fire in Fayette Township, which was covered in Monday’s edition of the Sentinel, was the home of EJHS teacher Drew Ciecierski and his wife, Daris. According to a GoFundMe established by the family, Drew was able to get their daughter out of the residence. When he re-entered the home (after leaving his daughter with a neighbor) to save his wife, the fire had grown worse. He was able to get Daris to safety, but not before both suffered severe burns requiring significant medical treatment. Daris received burns over 89% of her body, and the home was a total loss.
Sentinel photo by BRIAN COX
From left to right, Kevin Kodish, Steen Peterson from Chapter 53 of the Patriot Riders, Rob Postal, and Mark Sunderland display proclamation that declares May as Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month.
LEWISTOWN – During their regular business meeting Thursday the MIfflin County commissioners issued three different proclamations. The first proclaimed May as Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. Patriot Riders chapter president Stan Peterson was present to accept the proclamation. Peterson said the group promotes motorcycle safety and has a program called Operation Save a Life that they present to schools and clubs. The group is also holding their annual bike giveaway to promote motorcycle safety on June 12th at the Mifflin County Youth Park.
From staff reports
There were no new cases of COVID-19 in Juniata County nor deaths attributed to the disease reported in the local five-county area, according to data released Thursday by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
The health department said there were 17 new cases in Mifflin County, eight in Snyder County, 19 in Huntingdon County and six in Perry County.
Mifflin County has had 5,237 cases so far, Juniata County has had 2,077, Snyder County has had 3,560, Huntingdon County has had 4,973 and Perry County has had 3,688, according to the health department.
There have been 176 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in Mifflin County, 84 each in Juniata and Snyder counties, 129 in Huntingdon County and 100 in Perry County.