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ALEXANDRIA Roof-top condenser replacement work at the Glengarry Sports Palace in Alexandria was completed on schedule, and the busy arena in North Glengarry is back in the game.
And Maxville gets a big assist.
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Try refreshing your browser. Longer-term arena shuffle in Alexandria, Maxville well underway Back to video
“The (facility has) reopened and regular programming (has) resumed,” said township director of community services Anne Leduc.
A couple of weeks ago during regular monitoring of the refrigeration plant, staff noted an issue with part of the cooling system. Upon further inspection by the maintenance contractor, it was revealed the roof-top condenser had a pinhole leak. A plan was put in place to weld the pinhole, but once initiated led to the discovery welding would not resolve the issue. In order to ensure the refrigeration plant is operating at its optimal capacity and respects all of the feder