There are 122 residents confirmed to have the virus, which is unchanged from Wednesday, while the number of cases among staff and team members increased to 74 from 69 in the past 24 hours
COVID-19 Variant Found at Barrie Long-Term Care Home
Testing continues to confirm exact variant strain
A COVID-19 variant has been detected by health authorities at a Barrie long-term care home which is currently experiencing the virus outbreak. Testing continues to determine the exact variant strain.
Preliminary laboratory testing has identified a COVID-19 variant in six swabs at Roberta Place, a long-term care home in Barrie, Ontario, according to the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU).
“The variant strain testing is a two part test, and at this time, the first test which looks for a particular 501 mutation is positive and indicates a very high probability that they are of a variant strain of concern,” SMDHU said in a news release on Wednesday.
Published Sunday, January 17, 2021 6:04PM EST The Canadian Red Cross has been deployed to a Barrie long-term care home dealing with a COVID-19 outbreak that has resulted in nine resident deaths. A spokesperson for Long-Term Care Minister Dr. Merrilee Fullerton said in a statement to CTV News that the Red Cross will support Roberta Place, where there are 62 residents and 43 staff with COVID-19. “We are pleased and excited about the swift action and assistance demonstrated by the Canadian Red Cross and we look forward to continuing to collaborate with them,” said Stephanie Barber, a spokesperson for Jarlette Health Services, which operates Roberta Place.