Monday, January 11, 2021 - 7:36 am
To the Editor:
I could choose to believe radio/TV shock jock entertainers or Pulitzer Prize professional journalists. I could choose mainstream media who are doing their job of questioning wrongdoing, as they’ve done for every president, and fact checking Trump’s 22,000 lies. Or I could believe extremist websites and militia hate groups endorsed by a president whose ego cannot accept being a loser.
I could choose to believe that Republicans have genuine evidence that can close the 7M person voter gap; despite courts finding no evidence and wasting taxpayers’ money and time. Or I could question the motives of these same politicians, like Stefanik, who didn’t insist that the President be put on the stand under oath during the impeachment or that all witnesses be heard. As the writer of the 12/30 letter said, “Only a fool wouldn’t want all allegations investigated”.
Friday, December 18, 2020 - 6:31 am
To the Editor:
Children believe in Santa Claus and their innocence is adorable. We would never want to burst their bubble. But when adults don’t separate fantasy from fact, I think that’s a different story.
I wonder if adults understand that reality shows aren’t really “reality”; that the participants are being paid to act. I wonder if adults grasp that the drama coming out of the White House is orchestrated by a president who was a reality show host for 10 years. I wonder if adults realize that the commentators on Fox News are actors and actresses, not professional newscasters. I wonder if adults are aware that the creators of conspiracy websites are clever people interested in generating participation on their sites.
To the editor: According to Mr. Boyer, “nobody” investigated, interviewed or asked about questionable business dealings related to Biden and his family members. “Nobody” includes himself. Because if Mr. Boyer had actually read the entire text of the links that he supplied at the end of his letter, he would have reached the part in three out of the four links explaining that there was no evidence of questionable criminal activity, just innuendo provided by Sean Hannity and Tucker Carson. If Mr. Boyer had made use of fact checking by reputable investigative journalists (something rarely found on Fox News), he would have discovered that Biden’s brother was not favored with a government contract to build housing in Iraq. In reality, the company his brother worked for made a deal with a South Korean real estate developer to help build housing in Iraq, a contract that fell through due to lack of funding (