Colonial Pipeline says normal operations have resumed after cyberattack Share Updated: 2:46 PM PDT May 15, 2021 Associated Press Share Updated: 2:46 PM PDT May 15, 2021
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Show Transcript But the good news is that I can tell you as of right now, the retail stations, the gas station outages are down about 12 from the peak and the average improvement is about 200 stations are coming online per hour over the past six hours, so it s still going to work its way through the system over the next few days. But we should be back to normal fairly soon. People should not panic really. The gasoline is coming and this hoarding issue, if you take more than what you need, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. In terms of the shortages. As you can imagine, The president signed an executive order on cybersecurity a couple of days ago on the federal government side and we also have been working department of energy as well as other agencies.
Americans are deeply anxious after the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack halted the delivery of millions of gallons of fuel to several states and resulted in gasoline shortages at many stations across the country. People have already started to panic buy and hoard gasoline gallons despite skyrocketing prices at the pump. The situation is being compared to the gas shortages seen in 1970, with dozens of drivers lining up their cars outside stations and even traveling to other states to fill in their tanks. Although Colonial announced in a statement that it is set to repair its system by the weekend, with each passing day, consumers are getting more alarmed with the prospect of facing further sharp price increases, and they have been fearing they could run out of supply indefinitely.
Now is the time to prepare for severe weather in Virginia
May 9 through May 15 is National Hurricane Preparedness Week, and AAA is encouraging citizens to prepare their hurricane supply kits especially with the added coronavirus pandemic.
By: WTVR CBS 6 Web Staff
Posted at 7:46 AM, May 10, 2021
and last updated 2021-05-10 08:30:55-04
RICHMOND, Va. Now is the time to start preparing for a hurricane in Virginia, experts say.
May 9 through May 15 is National Hurricane Preparedness Week, and AAA is encouraging citizens to prepare their hurricane supply kits especially with the added coronavirus pandemic.
In addition to the typical storm supplies, the CDC and AAA are suggesting including COVID-19 protection, like masks, gloves and hand sanitizer.
AAA sees surge in regional travel as vaccination rollout continues
National Travel and Tourism Week May 2 to May 8
What to keep in mind while traveling during COVID
This year, the focus of National Travel and Tourism Week is the significant impact the industry has on economies in local communities.
In 2019, people visiting Virginia spent a total of $27 billion, supported 237,000 work opportunities and contributed $1.8 billion in state and local taxes. That’s according to Virginia is for Lovers. Then in 2020, when the pandemic hit across the country, spending by domestic and international travelers declined by 40%.
According to AAA Mid-Atlantic, there is now a surge in traveling as millions are vaccinated.
AAA shares reminders ahead of summer travel plans AAA has reminders for heading out for a road trip, like check your battery, engine, and tires. (Source: WHSV) By Cayley Urenko | WHSV | April 30, 2021 at 8:14 PM EDT - Updated April 30 at 8:48 PM
RICHMOND, Va. (WHSV) - As more Americans receive their COVID-19 vaccine and states ease safety restrictions, many people are in need of a getaway, but AAA Mid-Atlantic wants to make sure you get to your destinations safely.
On May 1, the Great American Road Trip campaign will launch to help travelers with the tools they need as they get behind the wheel for a much-needed vacation.