PhD Student position at MIZ PAN available starting October 2021
Funding source: National Science Center grant OPUS-19 nr UMO-2020/37/B/NZ8/02496 High-throughput DNA sequencing on historical collections of beetles: phylogenetic studies among Platynotini (Tenebrionidae)
Key words: systematics, phylogeny, morphology, beetles, NGS
Principal Investigator: dr hab. Marcin Jan Kamiński, Ph.D.
Scholarship (gross salary): 5,000 PLN per month until 2025-01-25 (NCN scholarship); after thius period a doctoral scholarship.
Application deadline: May 4, 2021
Location: Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (
Warsaw, Poland)
A Ph.D. position is available for a motivated student to work on an NCN-funded project entitled: