Aid to the Sandwich Volunteers: Several of the citizens of this place (Barnstable) contributed liberally to the fund for the purchase of uniforms and equipment for the Sandwich volunteers, over $200 having been raised in the course of a few hours. Judge J. M. Day, and Hon. George Marston, subscribed $25 each, for this purpose.
Decoration Day: One week from to-day is Decoration Day, and our Cape citizens should not let it pass without public observance. We are requested to call upon the citizens of Barnstable to meet at Liberty Hall, in Centreville, on Thursday afternoon next, at 3 o clock, to make arrangements for decorating the graves of our fallen heroes in the several villages, for having some appropriate public services at the Monument in Centreville, and for perfecting an organization that shall hereafter have the matter in charge. It is hoped there will be a full attendance, and that arrangements will be fully entered upon by which the day will be appropriately obs
Dr. Laura Douglas
Dr. Laura Douglas is president of Bristol Community College and Board Chair for CONNECT.
One year ago, our communities came together to meet the needs of the emerging pandemic. We reaffirmed our strong community partnerships with first responders, health care providers and local businesses around one mission – to protect and support our community members through these unprecedented times.
Although we could not predict how long the pandemic would last or the tragic toll it would take on so many lives, we knew there was an urgency around finding answers and developing solutions. Historically, our public universities and colleges have been valuable community resources that come through in times of need. The CONNECT Partnership, consisting of six higher education institutions in Southeastern Massachusetts Bridgewater State University, Bristol Community College, Cape Cod Community College, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Massasoit Community C
The battle over the North Atlantic Right Whale continues on, now with a non-profit organization in Georgia urging its residents to boycott Maine lobster.
There are fewer than 400 of the endangered Right whales now left in the waters of the Atlantic ocean, and besides natural causes, the endangered specie is more than likely to die from being struck by a ship or by becoming entangled in fishing gear.
Conservationists are encouraged somewhat this year, as more right whales have given birth off the coast of southern states like Georgia which of course has has increased the population, somewhat. The newborn whales and their mothers have recently been seen off the coast of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Marine authorities have pinpointed where they are and have asked mariners to adhere to a certain speed to keep them safe.