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Published on: 2 days ago
Members of the General Conference Executive Committee (GC EXCOM) elected South American Division president Erton Köhler as the new secretary of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church on April 14, 2021. The vote came after a recommendation from the Nominating Committee, on the last day of the Spring Meeting, one of the two annual business meetings of the world church.
“I feel humbled and honored by your confidence,” Köhler told the hundreds of church leaders meeting through Zoom this year, a few minutes after the vote. “I am praying for God to give me the skills that I need.”
Colorado author/professional counselor (Beacon Publishing Group) talks about his new book “The Self That I Long To Believe In: The Challenge of Building Self-Esteem.”
Craig’s background includes over twenty-eight years of experience as a counselor in a variety of treatment settings including psychiatric hospitals, schools for the blind, organizations for the physically handicapped, churches and outpatient settings. Craig also possesses ten years of experience in pastoral ministry. He spent two years broadcasting in Christian radio and has published both nationally and internationally.
To date, he has published five books and has had a large number of other works published in a wide variety of magazines. Craig founded an outpatient practice that provides counseling, coaching and consulting services to individuals, marriages, families, various businesses as well as church and ministry organizations. Additionally, he has develo
Release date: Apr 14, 2021
Register here for your chance to win a copy of the new book Table Life: An Invitation to Everyday Discipleship. We are giving away 10 copies.
This new book presents a uniquely holistic approach to table fellowship as a spiritual discipline. Many table fellowship resources begin and end at th This new book presents a uniquely holistic approach to table fellowship as a spiritual discipline. Many table fellowship resources begin and end at the table, and many spiritual discipline resources limit the theological significance of the table to the Eucharist, led by clergy. Table Life is an intentional and interactive process of reflection and action, meals and mission, listening and storytelling, scripture and perspective, communion and neighboring. These disciplines connect the individual with Christ, the local church, their neighborhood, and their community contexts. Discover how participating in the spiritual disciplines of eating together, list
Join us for an overview of the Doctor of Ministry program, admissions requirements, and scholarship opportunities. Admissions staff and deans will lead the information sessions and will be available to answer your questions. To allow for as much personal interaction as possible, all sessions will be conducted live via Zoom. Registered participants will be emailed a link to the session prior to the event.
Russell Myers, chaplain for Allina Health EMS, based in Minneapolis, announced April 1, 2021, the release of
Because We Care: A Handbook for Chaplaincy in Emergency Medical Services. The new text describes Myers’ role as EMS chaplain.
Russell Myers serves as a chaplain for Allina Health Emergency Medical Services, based in Minneapolis. He holds a BA from Ohio State University and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. Myers is ordained by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and is board certified with the Association of Professional Chaplains.
Over the past half century, the field of chaplaincy has come to a fork in the road, according to a publisher’s release. Today’s field of chaplaincy is a clinically trained, evidence-based discipline, reflecting and serving the diverse expressions of spirituality in modern society.