Turlock girl wakes family to escape house fire Firefighters battle a house fire on Fosberg Road late Sunday (Photo courtesy of TFD).
A 12-year-old girl’s quick actions helped her and her mother escape a house fire on Sunday in Turlock.
The fire was at a two-story home in the 4000 block of Fosberg Road.
The fire ignited around midnight in the garage and spread up to the second floor, said Turlock Fire Department spokesperson Capt. Jason Bernard.
The young girl heard the sound from the crackling flames and smelled the smoke and quickly woke her mother and the two were able to get out of the home as the smoke alarm started going off, Bernard said.
Officials said the residents who were woken up by the smoke detector s alarm attempted to make contact with others who were still asleep in the home. Firefighters added that they forced entry into a first floor apartment and woke up a resident who was still sleeping before escorting her to safety.
“A single functional smoke detector provided early notification to allow the sleeping occupants time to safely exit the structure and make a prompt notification to 911, said Fairfield Assistant Chief Erik Kalapir in a statement. This single smoke detector not only saved lives, but also allowed the fire department to attack the fire before destroying both the structure and personal belongings.”
Smoke Detector Awakens Fairfield, CT Residents in Early Morning Fire Written by Erik Kalipir
FAIRFIELD, CT - At 4:33 A.M., Thursday, Feb. 11, the Emergency Communications Center received a report by a resident of a fire on the second floor at a three-family residence at 556 Black Rock Turnpike. The Fairfield Fire Department responded and arrived on scene within four minutes of notification. At the time of arrival, the exact location of the fire was unknown. During an interior search, firefighters located two small fires in separate locations, while residents awoken by the smoke detector’s alarm attempted to make contact with others still asleep in the multi-family residence.
For all flights arriving in Oman starting from Monday, February 15, 2021, at 12:00 pm, the operating airlines are required to ensure that there are pre-confirmed hotel reservations for all arrivals.
Winter weather has forced the postponement of the City of Springfi9eld's COVID testing at the Eastfield Mall location Monday and Tuesday. But, the City of Chicopee is operating its testing clinici at the River Mills Senior Center Monday despite the storm.