Taking to Twitter, Ed Boon has taken an opportunity to use the platform how its creators intended it to be used: to troll Mortal Kombat fans. As the creator of the series and its current creative director, Boon is harassed by Mortal Kombat fans 24/7. It doesn t matter what he tweets about, the [.]
Mortal Kombat 11 DLC Speculation Erupts After Ed Boon Comment
Mortal Kombat 11 getting more DLC characters? This question has been on the mind of just about every
Mortal Kombat fan the past few months, and it s one there s still no answer to. Right now, there s no word of what the answer to this question may be. NetherRealm Studios and WB Games haven t announced or hinted at new DLC characters, but they also haven t said anything the other way either. They ve been silent, which has led many
Mortal Kombat 11 players to assume NRS isn t done with the game yet. That said, now the speculation is starting to head in the opposite direction, due to a new tweet from series creator and current creative director, Ed Boon.
Mortal Kombat 11 May Be Getting More DLC Characters
Mortal Kombat 11 may be getting even more DLC characters in 2021. Since
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate released on PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and Google Stadia last November,
MK11 has gone fairly quiet. NetherRealm Studios and WB Games continue to support the game, but there s been nothing very notable since the release of
Ultimate. Meanwhile, even the game s teasing and trolling director, Ed Boon, has been fairly reserved. And this could do with the fact that the focus right now is the
Mortal Kombat movie, but it could also be changing soon.
Mortal Kombat 11 Shares List of Characters People Use the Most
Mortal Kombat 11 | The After-Aftermath Awards, a ton of interesting stats about
MK11 in 2020 and dished out various rewards. For example, Geras was voted the favorite newcomer by fans while Mileena won an award for the most gruesome fatality. Meanwhile, some of the stats revealed include the fact that nearly 900 million fatalities were performed last year alongside nearly 2.3 billion pieces of gear collected.
The most interesting thing the video reveals though involves the three most-used characters last year, and as you would expect, two of these three characters are Sub-Zero and Scorpion, the two faces of the franchise. Meanwhile, the third most-used character is not Mileena, Liu Kang, Raiden, Kitana, or any other prominent character in the series, but Noob Saibot.
Mortal Kombat 11 Fans Think They Discovered a New MK4 Secret
MK4 secret within the game. In the latest
Mortal Kombat game, Sub-Zero can at points be seen holding a frozen head, and
Mortal Kombat fans are convinced that frozen head is the head of Meat, who first appeared back in
MK4 as a secret character. Sinc
e MK4, Meat s appearances have been limited to cameos and Kombat Kards, and it looks like he s also possibly in
MK11, but it s more as an Easter egg than an actual cameo.
MK4, not many players knew Meat existed because he could only be accessed via code. As for the character, there s not much to Meat. He s a bloody skeleton that fled Shang Tsung s Flesh Pits for unknown reasons. There s not much to his design, and he s never been relevant to any story in the series, though it s believed he s a neutral character.