Public meetings are planned. ×
Monday: 5 p.m., Jamestown City Council, access by phone, 1-701-566-9575, conference ID 460 559 009#
Tuesday: 11 a.m., Buffalo Bridges Human Service Zone, through Microsoft Teams, at 116 1st St. East; 3:30 p.m., Stutsman County Commission, and 3:55 p.m., Stutsman County Park Board, through conference phone: (701) 566-9575, conference ID: 320 062 34# or Facebook at; 7:30 p.m., City of Spiritwood Lake Council following Tax Equalization meeting, Steckler Shop 617 Spiritwood Ave., Jamestown.
Wednesday: 7 a.m., Jamestown city officials hold municipal budget discussion, access by phone, 1-701-566-9575, conference ID 780 522 649#.
Thursday: 3:30 p.m., Jamestown Forestry Committee, access by phone, 1-701-566-9575, conference ID 152 395 480#.
Several public meetings are scheduled. 7:00 am, Mar. 2, 2021 ×
The Calendar publishes public events, meetings and fundraisers in The Jamestown Sun free. To submit an activity, email it to with “Calendar” in the subject line or fax to 701-952-8477.
Tuesday, March 2
Buffalo Bridges Human Service Zone board, 11 a.m., through Microsoft Teams, call
1-701-566-9575; 91438367# United States, Fargo, phone conference ID: 914 383 67#.
listen live
watch live
Jamestown/Stutsman Development Corp. Existing Business Outreach Committee, noon, lower level conference room, Center for Economic Development.
Stutsman County Commission, 3:30 p.m., and
Stutsman County Park Board, 4:10 p.m., Stutsman County Courthouse, 511 2nd Ave. SE, access through Facebook at
Several public meetings are scheduled. 7:00 am, Jan. 30, 2021 ×
Monday: 5:15 p.m., Jamestown Public School Board, Thompson Community Room, Jamestown Middle School, 203 2nd Ave. SE
Tuesday: 11 a.m., Buffalo Bridges Human Service Zone, through Microsft Teams, call 1 701-566-9575, phone conference ID: 640 816 241#; 3:30 p.m., Stutsman County Commission, and 3:50 p.m., Stutsman County Park Board, through conference phone: (701) 566-9575, conference ID: 835 782 078#, or Facebook: ; 7:30 p.m., City of Spiritwood Lake Council, Steckler shop, 617 Spiritwood Lake, Jamestown.
The list of public meetings is published Saturdays for meetings scheduled the following week. To list a public meeting of general interest, email by noon Thursday. For agendas to city meetings go to city updates on the city website or under city of Jamestown.
Government meetings are planned next week. 8:00 am, Jan. 2, 2021 ×
Monday: 9 a.m., Jamestown/Stutsman Development Corp. Business Attraction Committee, through Zoom,, meeting ID, 898 3819 7250, call 312-626-6799; 5 p.m., Jamestown City Council, access through calling 1-701-566-9575, conference ID 460 559 009#; 6 p.m., Jamestown Public School Board retreat, Thompson Room, Thompson Community Room, Jamestown Middle School, 203 2nd Ave. SE.
Tuesday: 11 a.m., Buffalo Bridges Human Service Zone, through Microsoft Teams, 1-701-566-9575,,140069603# United States, Fargo, phone conference ID: 140 069 603#; 3:30 p.m., Stutsman County Commission, and 4:10 p.m., Stutsman County Park Board, through conference phone: (701) 566-9575, conference ID: 523 584 998# or livestreamed on Facebook at; 7:30 p.m., City of Spiritwood Lake Council, at Chip Steckler shop, 617 Spiritwood Avenue, Spiritwood Lake, Jamestown.