Media Credit: File Photo by Sophia Young | Photographer
Faculty have lobbied officials to tap into the University’s $1.8 billion endowment to allocate more money for research.
News By Isha Trivedi May 10, 2021 12:25 AM
Amid calls from faculty to allocate more funding for research as the University emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, experts said directing money to a surplus can better support GW’s long-term research offerings.
Faculty said instead of setting aside money for a surplus in the upcoming fiscal year, officials should direct that money to faculty research given delays to new studies during the pandemic and GW’s declining Higher Education Research and Development rankings. But experts in higher education finance said budgeting money for a surplus could also serve as an investment in GW’s research capacity for years to come.
LISBON Columbiana County’s financial standing has so improved in recent months that the county has been awarded with an upgraded bond rating by Moody’s Investors Services.
Commissioner Mike Halleck commended both Auditor Nancy Milliken and Treasurer Linda Bolon and other office holders with achieving the feat: the highest county bond rating he can remember.
The county has been upgraded to an Aa2 from an Aa3. The report from Moody’s notes the rating “reflects the county’s exceptionally strong reserves and low bonded debt.”
Milliken said as part of the budget commission, she estimates the amount of debt and money the county has in reserve, then speaks with the Moody’s Investors Services each year. She agrees this is the highest rating the county has received and hopes to see it go even higher next year.
Staff Writer
LISBON Columbiana County’s financial standing has so improved in recent months that the county has been awarded with an upgraded bond rating by Moody’s Investors Services.
Commissioner Mike Halleck commended both Auditor Nancy Milliken and Treasurer Linda Bolon and other office holders with achieving the feat: the highest county bond rating he can remember.
The county has been upgraded to an Aa2 from an Aa3. The report from Moody’s notes the rating “reflects the county’s exceptionally strong reserves and low bonded debt.”
Milliken said as part of the budget commission, she estimates the amount of debt and money the county has in reserve, then speaks with the Moody’s Investors Services each year. She agrees this is the highest rating the county has received and hopes to see it go even higher next year.
LISBON Columbiana County’s financial standing has so improved in recent months that the county has been awarded with an upgraded bond rating by Moody’s Investors Services.
Commissioner Mike Halleck commended both Auditor Nancy Milliken and Treasurer Linda Bolon and other office holders with achieving the feat: the highest county bond rating he can remember.
The county has been upgraded to an Aa2 from an Aa3. The report from Moody’s notes the rating “reflects the county’s exceptionally strong reserves and low bonded debt.”
Milliken said as part of the budget commission, she estimates the amount of debt and money the county has in reserve, then speaks with the Moody’s Investors Services each year. She agrees this is the highest rating the county has received and hopes to see it go even higher next year.
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