НУР-СУЛТАН.КАЗИНФОРМ - Moody’s повысило рейтинг Казахстана с Baa3 до Baa2, прогноз «Стабильный».Об этом передает МИА «Казинформ» со ссылкой на Primeminister.kz.
For banks in Asean countries and India, Covid-19 outbreaks triggering strict containment steps will impede economic recovery and erode borrowers' debt repayment capacity, increasing their asset risks, Moody's Investors Service said in a new report.
The rating agency affirmed the Ba1 corporate family rating (CFR) of Tata Chemicals Ltd (TCL). The rating outlook remains stable, it said in a statement
Resurgence of Coronavirus to hurt commercial vehicle loans: Moody’s
Synopsis Slowing economic activity in India due to the second wave will constrain commercial vehicle owners capacity to pay auto loans. As a result, commercial vehicle loan delinquencies will increase in India and collection rates will remain below March levels over the next three to six months, says Dipanshu Rustagi, a Moody s Assistant Vice President and Analyst.
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India s coronavirus resurgence has delayed the country s economic recovery, which will hurt the performance of asset-backed securities backed by commercial vehicle loans, according to a report by Moody s Investors Service.