Texas High Schools Among Those Returning to Live Theater By Brian Scott Texas
CEDAR HILL, Texas – The orchestra pit begins to crescendo as a chorus line dances across the yellow brick road on the stage above, and at the center of the line, Cedar Hill High School senior Amara Bourgeois belts out the lyrics to Soon as I Get Home.
The young actress is just days away from making her long-awaited debut as Dorothy in the musical classic T
he Wiz, and the final rehearsals are in full swing.
“I’m happy-nervous cause like, my family’s gonna be there and this is the first time they’ve seen me in this big [of] a role,” said Bourgeois.
Delaware News Journal
In his State of the State speech to Cabinet members and state lawmakers, Gov. John Carney promised a better year ahead as Delaware continues to reel from the pandemic.
The virtual speech was starkly different from the speech that Carney made a year ago in the crowded House chamber of Legislative Hall in Dover, just as the first case of COVID-19 had made its way into the U.S.
Carney s speech, the first of his second term, on Tuesday touched on promises that he made last year but were put on hold during the pandemic.
In the Senate chamber across the hall from last year s speech, this time near-empty, the Democratic governor spoke on camera to his state that has suffered through more than 10 months of the global pandemic that due to Carney s restrictions has shuttered businesses, led to more than 160,000 people filing for unemployment and taken 1,049 lives to date.
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With four more resident deaths since Friday, the COVID-19 outbreak at Tillsonburg’s Maple Manor is now among the deadliest among long-term care homes in Southwestern Ontario.
Seventeen people have now died at the hard-hit Oxford County nursing home.
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Try refreshing your browser. Maple Manor now second deadliest COVID-19 outbreak in Southwestern Ontario Back to video
“It’s a tragedy, a horrible tragedy, being replicated throughout the world right now,” said George Kaniuk, president of Maple Manor.
Of the home’s 92 residents, 81 have contracted the virus since an outbreak was declared on Dec. 12. More than 50 staff members have also been infected.
TILLSOBURG, ONT. A major COVID-19 outbreak at a Tillsonburg nursing home has public health officials sound the alarm. There are now 90 confirmed cases of the virus at Maple Manor, including 55 residents and 35 staff. Four residents at the home have died. The facility houses just over 90 residents. Veronica Thurston, 21, could be seen staring through a window and waving at her grandmother from outside the residence Tuesday. It’s the only way she can see her right now. “It’s totally different,” she said as she tried to compose herself. “My grandma actually tested positive for COVID. Sorry, this is my first time coming to see her since.but it’s nice that we can still see her through the window. I love that.”