It’s Bollywood film producer and fashion designer Rhea Kapoor’s birthday today. Despite being Anil Kapoor s daughter and Sonam Kapoor s sister, the entrepreneur has carved a niche for herself in the industry. Rhea and Sonam have collaborated in films like ‘Aisha’, ‘Khoobsurat’ and ‘Veere Di Wedding’. Besides this, the sister duo also owns a fashion line together. As Rhea turns a year older, let’s take a look at some unseen pictures:
Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, many factors including pre-existing medical conditions, obesity and old age have been linked to high risks of COVID infections. But as per a recent study, blood types can also determine COVID-19 contraction risks. That said, many scientists and medical professionals continue to study the link between SARs-COV-2 and the different blood groups and are in a bid to understand the same.
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Being a daughter of popular South Indian actor Sarathkumar, Varalaxmi made her acting debut in 2012 with the film Poda Podi . The talented actress has established herself as a promising actor by accepting challenging roles. Varalaxmi has also never hesitated to call a spade, a spade and has always been vocal about her bold thoughts. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar is celebrating her 36th birthday today. So let us revisit her cinematic journey on this special day.Pic Courtesy - Twitter