WED/1-13 Beloit West Branch school board, high school auditorium and Facebook Live, 7 p.m. Columbiana Library, 1947 Claudette Colbert-Fred MacMurray come
Drive-thru Baked Steak dinner, 4-6:30 pm @ Wellsville First Christian Church. The menu consists of baked steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, cole slaw, and dessert. Cost is by donation.
St. Anthony Club Take Out Dinners, 12-5 p.m. Jan. 10. $15 Baked half-chicken, veggie, mashed potatoes/gravy & dessert or $15 Spaghetti, meatballs, Italian cole slaw, bred/butter & dessert. Must call ahead and place order 724-643-1820. Pick up at side door.
County Sheriff A woman from Richardson Street, Negley, reported Wednesday her neighbor damaged the chain link fence when his trailer became caught on the corner of the fence as he was pulling away. An official from New Day Recovery, Union Ridge Road, Middleton Township, called Thursday because they wanted a deputy to stand by until an ambulance arrived to transport a woman to Youngstown. This was after the woman pulled a fire alarm and otherwise had begun acting disruptive. A residential burglar alarm went off a home on Mick Road, Yellow Creek Township, at 3 p.m. Tuesday, but the home was found to be secure. There was a small dog in the window and it may have set off the alarm.
Oasis Food Ministry drive-thru distribution, First Christian Church, 4-6 p.m., trunks empty, Ohio residents and photo ID, max two households per car
East Palestine
Knox Township
Drive-thru soup sale, Mile Branch Grange, 495 Knox School Road, $7 a quart, loaded potato and stuffed pepper, call 821-8023 by noon Jan. 13, pickup 4-6 p.m.
Community pantry box distribution, 794 E. Third, 4-6 p.m., boxes will be placed in the trunk of vehicle
Carryout soup sale, Calla Community Church, 6482 W. Calla Road, pickup starts at 4 p.m., stuffed pepper and beer barley, $6 a quart, $2 a loaf for bread, preorder at 330/501-1597