Oscars Obliterate Old Record With 238 Qualifying Documentaries
A final batch of 25 films pushed the total well past the old record of 170Steve Pond | January 16, 2021 @ 9:18 PM Last Updated: January 28, 2021 @ 11:26 AM
AWARDS BEAT He Dreams of Giants / Screen Media
NOTE: This story was originally published on Jan. 16, after a final batch of documentary features was made available to Oscar voters. After it was published, the Academy determined that two films that had been sent to voters and placed on required viewing lists, “The Lost Paradise” and “Music Got Me Here,” did not meet eligibility requirements. Those films were removed from the list. This story, which originally stated that 240 films had qualified, has been revised to incorporate those two removals.
Twice last week, I had the privilege to speak with Milius to find out more about her journey, growing up in Hollywood, movie-making and working for the U.S. president.
The Root s Clapback Mailbag: Whitenotes
Illustration: Oscar Bustamante
Clapback MailbagEach Friday, we select the best (or worst) emails, tweets, DMs and comments from our readers and respond to them in the The Root s Clapback Mailbag.
The Clapback Mailbag will often search through the emails, tweets, DMs and comments to find a common theme from our perturbed readers. Sometimes they are upset about one thing. Occasionally, we will receive a spate of responses that all have the same “whataboutism.”
all the things, including:
Not all white people
You’re the real racist
In fact, this week’s Mailbag letters were so completely batshit insane, the only feasible way to realistically clap back at these wypipo maniacs was to do an academic-style annotated examination of their white nonsense.