Travis County DA Garza continues to move nonviolent inmates out of jail Jordan Bontke
This week marked the first 100 days in office for District Attorney General Jose Garza.
During his time, he’s strayed from his predecessor when he announced a series of Grand Jury charges for law enforcement officials involved in fatal incidents like Austin Police officer Christopher Taylor who fired the bullet that killed Mike Ramos in April of 2020.
Last month, Garza added to existing evidence tamping charges in Williamson county for former Sheriff Robert Chody in the Javier Ambler Case. Caption: A key component to Garza’s Jail policy is “No one should be in jail simply because they can’t afford to get out.”
Chairman Doggett and Respective Members of the Subcommittee:
Thank you for your time and consideration of HB 784. My name is Casey Witte, and I conduct research on community supervision among other criminal justice issues for the R Street Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization. Our mission is to engage in research and outreach to promote free markets and limited, effective government in a wide variety of policy areas. Given that HB 784 stands to reduce wasteful spending and more efficiently provide for public safety, it is of particular interest to us.
To start with the facts, Tennessee is one of only eight states to have nearly doubled their average probation sentence from 2000 to 2018, extending the average length of probation from 18 to 33 months.
Upcoming City Council Agenda For Tuesday Friday, March 12, 2021
I. Call to Order by Chairman Henderson. II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilman Oglesby). III. Special Presentation. V. Ordinances – Final Reading: (None) VI. Ordinances – First Reading: PLANNING a. 2020-0027 Paces Ferry Builders (R-1 Residential Zone and R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located in the 7000 block of Shallowford Road and 2301 Rivendell Lane, for R-1 Residential Zone and R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone for the entire site. (District 4) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff) (Deferred from 03-09-2021)