Homa Bay County KNUN Secretary Omondi Nyonje, KUCO Executive Secretary Philip Mbom and KUCO chairman Stephen Obunga. [James Omoro, Standard]
Health workers’ unions in Homa Bay have accused Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) of interfering with health services at the County Referral Hospital.
The County Assembly recently adopted a report that the acting Chief Executive Officer of the hospital Peter Ogolla be removed to pave way for the reinstatement of the former CEO Dr Lilian Kocholla who was recently shown the door.
Dr Kocholla was sent on compulsory leave because of alleged poor management which had put the hospital in a deplorable state.
Chief Justice Kitili Mwendwa [left] being sworn in by President Kenyatta as AG Charles Njonjo looks on in July 1968 [Courtesy]
An idea whose time has come is unstoppable.
A few weeks before July 1968, when this picture was taken, nobody would have thought that Kitili Maluki Mwendwa, 39, would be the first African Chief Justice.
This became a reality after the acting Chief Justice Arthur Denis Farrel, rubbed President Jomo Kenyatta the wrong way. His crime was reducing the one-year jail term handed over to bearded Bildad Kaggia to six months. Kaggia, who was the MP for Kandara, had earned his ticket to hell for contradicting Kenyatta’s policies and joining forces with then Vice President Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. Once Farell was out of the way, Kitili took over as the Chief Justice after a solemn ceremony attended by Kenyatta himself and then Attorney General Charles Njonjo.