China heeft haar greep op de technologiesector opnieuw verstevigd. Vanmorgen maakte de regering in Beijing een aantal maatregelen bekend die oneerlijke concurrentie moeten tegengaan. Ook .
The California Privacy Rights Act ("CPRA") expands employers' obligations with respect to the privacy of human resources ("HR") data more dramatically than any other legislation in U.S. history.
Data has been referred to as the ‘oil of the digital era'. As data progressively plays a central role in nearly all human activities and assumes unprecedented levels of both social.
Notizie e approfondimenti quotidiani sul digitale a cura di Reputation Manager, la società di riferimento in Italia per l'analisi, la gestione e la costruzione della reputazione online. I genitori vogliono vigilare sulle iscrizioni a TikTok. Le misure di protezione assunte da TikTok per gli utenti minorenni sono del