As the country continues its fight with the dreaded COVID-19 while allowing business and the workforce to adapt to what we call the new normal, the MRT-3 will upgrade its manual contact tracing process to digitized one by soft-launching the “MRT-3 Trace” [] web applicati
As the country continues its fight with the dreaded COVID-19 while allowing business and the workforce to adapt to what we call the new normal, the MRT-3 will upgrade its manual contact tracing process to digitized one by soft-launching the “MRT-3 Trace” [] web applicati
Nearly one third of the seven million Australians who downloaded the Covidsafe app are using an outdated version, as new figures show the government spend on the contact tracing app has risen to $14m. The Covidsafe contact tracing app relies on as many people as possible running it, but new data reveals that more than two million users do not have the most up-to-date version. In the nine months since the federal government launched the app, it.
+ January 12, 2021 IN THE name of contact tracing and of containing Covid-19, more and more business establishments and local government units are rolling out contact tracing apps. Since Covid-19 is a notifiable disease, people are obliged to register and share their personal data. But do these apps protect your personal data? How?
In November last year, the National Privacy Commission (NPC) called on the software developers of contact tracing apps to be privacy advocates and to implement privacy by design as more and more LGUs use technology to track down their constituents in the name of public health and safety (
Here s how the Five Eyes countries share immigration data Wednesday, December 30, 2020 Gill Bonnett for RNZ
New documents show how the Five Eyes countries share data on immigrants and refugees.
They also reveal the extent of co-operation between the allies on exchanging biometric and biographical information, and on border management.
In June, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) implemented what it called the Secure Real Time Platform (SRTP), a system that interfaces with systems in the UK, the US, Canada and Australia to enable sharing of identity data, including biometrics.
Those countries and New Zealand make up the Migration Five, or M5.