Presque Isle Utilities District Vehicle Stolen & Recovered
The information was posted on Facebook with an update that said the blue F-350 has been recovered.
The type of vehicle stolen is like the one in the photo above and below. Information was not released about how the utilities vehicle was stolen or found.
Police said the operator is still at large, and are asking the public to contact them if you have any potential information regarding the theft. There was no info on the suspect or suspects who committed the crime.
Contact the Presque Isle Police department at 764-4476 if you have any info on the theft.
Mother-Son duo Arrested for Drug Trafficking in Presque Isle
A collaborative investigation by the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency, Aroostook County Sheriff s Office, and Presque Isle Police Department led to arrest of a mother and son on multiple drug trafficking charges.
Both Leann Johnson, 44, and her son Jeremiah Therrien, 23, were arrested on Tuesday at Johonson s home on Dyer Street in Presque Isle. The investigation had been going on for several months. A search warrant executed at the home and seized excess of four (4) pounds (1,853-grams) of methamphetamine and around $10,000 in US currency. The current street value of the methamphetamine seized is believed to be valued over $250,000.
When hackers have struck police departments, cybersecurity experts say, they pose a particularly serious threat to public safety. They have been doing so with more frequency.