Cody Alan has a long list of celebrity friendships and each week they join him behind the mic to bring you a firsthand look into what’s happening in country music, entertainment, and their lives. Want to be a “country music insider”? Here is a sneak peek at who will be joining Cody this week!
Cody Alan has a long list of celebrity friendships and each week they join him behind the mic to bring you a firsthand look into what’s happening in country music, entertainment, and their lives. Want to be a “country music insider”? Here is a sneak peek at who will be joining Cody this week!
Artists needed for annual American Craft Exposition Pictured, from left, at the 2019 American Craft Exposition are: Buggie O Grady, ACE 2019 co-chair; Ashley Blankstein-Delaney, 2018-2019 auxiliary president; and Nancy Semerdjian, ACE 2019 co-chair and 2019-2021 auxiliary president. Courtesy of The Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem
Updated 1/29/2021 10:40 AM
The Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore) announced applications for the 2021 American Craft Exposition are open now through March 15.
This year, ACE will be held Sept. 24-26 at the Chicago Botanic Garden. The show will kick off with a Benefit Preview Party, where guests get a sneak peek at the museum-quality artwork.
Applicants can visit for details or email
UpdatedThu, Dec 10, 2020 at 9:01 am ET
Tapley Memorial Hall filled with Holiday Spirit (Photography by Jeannine Pelkey)
All the creatively decorated trees and wreaths that filled Tapley Memorial Hall, 13 Page St, Danvers from Dec. 1st to Dec. 6th have been gathered up by all the eager winners who were drawn on Sunday afternoon. It is all made possible by the businesses, families, clubs and organizations that donated all the items. The ideas ranged from a COVID Relief Express theme tree to a Santa Paws wreath decked with gifts for dogs. There was no Preview Party this year which is a fun time for all the donors to come together for a night of food and music in a hall full of holiday spirit. The musicians; Darren Muise of the Music Connection, Dan Tremblay and Friends, Karen Raniere and Classic Groove, and Charlotte Jordan and Blue Rebel came forward to volunteer their talents but were prerecorded and appeared on the Danvers Historical Society youtube channel and DCAT. The ch