Why are you making commenting on The National only available to subscribers? We know there are thousands of National readers who want to debate, argue and go back and forth in the comments section of our stories. We’ve got the most informed readers in Scotland, asking each other the big questions. What should we do with our second vote in 2021? What happens if Westminster says no to indyref2? Unfortunately, though, these important debates are being spoiled by a vocal minority of trolls who aren’t really interested in the issues, try to derail the conversation, register under fake names, and post vile abuse. We’ve had hundreds of emails from you complaining about this, asking us to take steps to ensure that these people aren’t given a platform on our site.
Another woman with serious injuries has also been taken by air ambulance to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness. The road is closed in both directions with a 161-mile diversion in place via Crianlarich, the A85 to Perth, the A9 to Dalwhinnie, the A889 and the A86, and vice-versa. A 25-year-old man has been arrested in connection with suspected road traffic offences. Road Policing Sergeant Angus Macleod said: “I am appealing to anyone who was in the area and saw these vehicles being driven before or during the crash to contact us. “If you have a dash-cam, please check back and see if there is any footage that could assist our investigation.
A 25-year-old man has been arrested in connection with suspected road traffic offences (Ian West/PA)
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A man and two woman have been airlifted to hospital after three cars were involved in a crash near Fort William.
The incident happened on the A82 between the Spean Bridge and Aonach Mor around 5.30pm on Monday, involving a white Audi A3, a black BMW 5 Series and a white Toyota Corolla.