Fortnite Update Vaults One Weapon and Unvaults Another
Fortnite’s latest update released on Tuesday, and just as we saw in the path last week, another weapon has been brought back from the vault. That weapon is the Rapid Fire SMG with all its different rarities live in the game at this time, but if the past few updates were any indication of what’s to happen, there’s a good chance this one will be placed back in the vault before too long. Last week’s unvaulted weapon, the Hand Cannon, has been put back in the vault to make room for the Rapid Fire SMG.
1 March 2021, 9:37 pm EST By
The Fortnite v15.50 patch update has been confirmed for March 2, with Lazarbeam getting a skin for the game. The Battle Royale game has been well-known for its famous collaborations, one of Ripley s latest additions from the favorite Alien series.
How to Get Lazarbeam Skin for Fortnite
(Photo : LazarBeam - Youtube Screenshot)
The “Fortnite” v15.50 patch update has been confirmed for March 2, with Lazarbeam getting a skin for the game. The Battle Royale game has been well-known for its famous collaborations, one of Ripley s latest additions from the favorite “Alien” series.
FortniteIntel reports that on March 1, Epic Games and Lazarbeam announced that he would be the next creator to be included in the Fortnite Icon Series with a new skin.
Fortnite: How to Get Exotic Weapons Storm Scout Sniper, Night Hawk, and Hop Rock Dualies Guide
Fortnite exotic weapons like the Nighthawk, Storm Scout Sniper, and even the Hop Rock Dualies can be purchased within the game. Here s how to find them.
Photo : Perfect Score/YouTube Screenshot
With Fortnite getting even more competitive, players would need to go a little further in order to get an advantage over others as the stakes get higher. Exotic Weapons in Fortnite, aside from their aesthetic, also provide unique fighting which players can use as an advantage in order to dominate the enemy.
With the latest update reshuffling on how to get exotic weapons, we provide a guide on how players can now obtaiin the Storm Scout Sniper, Nighhawk and Hop Rock Dualies.
Where to Find Fortnite Hand Cannon in Chapter 2 Season 5?
Flint-Knock out, Hand Cannon in.
Epic Games vaulted the recently unvaulted Flint-Knock weapon in the recent hotfix 15.40.1 to bring in the Fortnite Hand Cannon into its largely populated Battle Royale hit. Along with that, the developer also revealed a new limited-time mode called Comeback Squads. Let’s jump into the details and see is there even a certain answer to ‘Where to Find Fortnite Hand Cannon?’ You’ll find out.
Where to Find Fortnite Hand Cannon?
Currently, there is no certain location to get this weapon. It means you just need to be lucky while looting various chests and boxes in your exploration on the island to get the Hand Cannon. If you are not into exploration, then just hunt down the players who have Hand Cannons and eliminate them to get your hands on the lately unvaulted Desert Eagle.
Today is the last day in Epic's Short Nite event for Fortnite players, one that involves the big screen in the Party Royale mode. If you were planning to watch