Local government | June 30, 2021
This year, Canada Day in Mississauga will look much different. While the City is not cancelling its Canada Day activities, which were already modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the overall tone of its virtual ceremony has shifted.
Council approved a motion today to change the tone of its virtual ceremony to that of reflection and reconciliation in light of the recent tragic residential school findings in British Columbia and Saskatchewan.
“Over the past few weeks, Canadians have been reminded of parts of our history that cannot be forgotten. The heartbreaking discoveries of more than a thousand unmarked graves and forgotten burial sites at former residential schools across Canada have deeply affected us all,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “To honour the lives lost and to recognize the survivors who continue to suffer, I encourage all Canadians to take what would normally be a day of nationa
A priest who referred to the "good done" by the Roman Catholic Church in residential schools has resigned, The Archdiocese of Toronto confirmed on Friday.
A priest who referred to the "good done" by the Roman Catholic Church in residential schools has resigned, The Archdiocese of Toronto confirmed on Friday.