Joseph Hackett, 51, and several other Floridians associated with the Oath Keepers right-wing militia were charged with conspiracy to obstruct the certification of the Electoral College vote.
AFPAC II was three times as large as AFPAC I, pulling in 600 young people. And I mean young! While I was waiting to check in, one of the cheerful young men asked me how old I was. I’m thirty, and I must have been in the oldest one percent! He nodded, saying “Everyone is so young here! Early 20s I think!” When I told my boss this story, he said a young man should know better than ask a lady her age. Funny thing is, I’m used to answering this question at political conferences, like AmRen, but this is the first time I felt OLD!
A Northwest Side man who posed outside of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office during the Capitol attack last month has been formally charged with felonies by federal prosecutors for his alleged role in the insurgency.
Donald Trump supporters, who stormed the US Capitol, have been flaunting their involvement in the siege. "THIS IS ME," one man posted on Instagram pointing to himself in a picture of the violent mob.