Olivia Roybal (Barbara) Stover, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend passed peacefully on Sunday, December 20, 2020. Barbara was a successful businesswoman, partnering with her husband, Charles “Smokey” Stover in opening La Mesita Restaurant in 1951 and operating the same for 45 years. She was known throughout the Pojoaque Valley for her homemade pies and chocolate and carrot cakes which were made fresh daily, and on request, she would make her famous biscochitos, and delicious papita sandwiches (which today are now commonly known as breakfast burritos). She was also famously known for her secret recipe, the “La Mesita salad dressing.” She loved driving her Nissan pickups (2 cherry red and a final light blue). She was often seen driving between Santa Fe and Española or White Rock and Los Alamos, running numerous errands for family and friends, all while setting mileage vehicle high records till the age of 90. She prided herself in be
15 Ways LANL Made An Impact In 2020 COVID-19 And Beyond
While COVID-19 dominated headlines in the science world, Los Alamos National Laboratory made its mark on 2020 with successes across the board. Photo Courtesy LANL
From innovation in education to nonreactive nuclear energy, COVID-19 forecasts to jet fuel produced from corn, the Laboratory spent the year impacting the nation and New Mexico
1: Front-line fighters in the war against COVID-19
Beginning in March and still going strong, Laboratory experts in computer modeling and disease forecasting have been some of our most-quoted scientists of 2020. Computational epidemiologists Sara Del Valle, David Osthus and Carrie Manore, theoretical biologists
Obituary: Olivia Roybal (Barbara) Stover Sept. 2, 1926 – Dec. 20, 2020
Dec. 20, 2020
Olivia Roybal (Barbara) Stover, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend passed peacefully on Sunday, December 20, 2020.
Barbara was a successful business woman, partnering with her husband Charles “Smokey” Stover in opening La Mesita Restaurant in 1951 and operating the same for 45 years. She was known throughout the Pojoaque Valley for her homemade pies and chocolate and carrot cakes which were made fresh daily, and on request, she would make her famous biscochitos, and delicious papita sandwiches (which today are now commonly known as breakfast burritos). She was also famously known for her secret recipe, the “La Mesita salad dressing.”
Welcome to the improv that is the New Mexico School for the Arts.
Improvisation has been the name of the game since the state charter high school opened in a former Catholic elementary school in 2010. The school moved into the former Sanbusco Market Center in 2019.
In the first year at Sanbusco, the paseo of the former shopping center served as the dining area. So far, there hasnât been a second year for students on campus.
While students are learning from home, Klinger Constructors of Albuquerque is building a cafeteria at the school. Work is ahead of schedule because no students or teachers have been around since construction started in March, Head of School Eric Crites said.