How Tennessee parents can sign up for texts to help students as they learn from home
Parents: need help keeping your students on track while learning from home? That help is just a text away. Author: Tennessee Department of Education News Release Published: 2:54 PM CST January 12, 2021 Updated: 5:25 PM CST January 12, 2021
NASHVILLE, Tenn. Today,
Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation (GELF), in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE), announced a statewide rollout of Ready4K, a research-based text messaging program to help parents support their students in learning at home. This marks the largest statewide rollout of the Ready4K program to date and this resource is being made available for free to Tennessee school districts by GELF and TDOE.
The pandemic has not been helping students improve their scores in reading and math Author: Caitlin McCarthy Updated: 10:39 PM CST December 30, 2020
MEMPHIS, Tenn. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee will be holding a special legislative session on education on January 19 to make literacy a top priority among other initiatives for the 2021-22 school year.
The state reported preliminary data projects an estimated 50% decrease in proficiency rates in 3rd grade reading and a projected 65% decrease in proficiency in math. Lee said this loss has exacerbated issues prior to the pandemic, where only one-third of Tennessee third graders were reading on grade level.
“We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused immense disruption for Tennessee’s students, educators, and districts, and the challenges they face must be addressed urgently,” Lee said. “Even before the virus hit, and despite years of improvement, too many of our state’s students were
December 21, 2020
Over the weekend, Tennessee’s Christian governor canceled Christmas. In a special address, Gov. Bill Lee pleaded with citizens to not gather outside of home for the holidays. He asked that businesses allow employees to work from home for the next 30 days if able. He all but begged local officials to enact and enforce mask mandates.
He also claimed executive authority under emergency powers to again limit public gatherings to 10 people or fewer. Under Tennessee law, defiance of an executive order during an emergency can earn you a citation for a Class A Misdemeanor carrying a $2,500 penalty and up to one year in prison.