The Library seeks to build comprehensive collections where relevant materials are acquired to the greatest extent possible; representative collections where the Library selects a manageable amount of material to represent a type, creator or subject; and selective collections where items of national priority or special significance are identified and collected, or where depth of collecting is prioritised above breadth. This section of the policy is arranged in sequence from comprehensive to selective, recognising that such a continuum is neither fully linear nor completely exclusive. Web archiving for example, falls midway along this imaginary line, and is by turns comprehensive, selective and representative.
Acceptable use of information and communication technology
Readers and visitors must abide by the conditions in this code when accessing electronic resources at the National Library of Australia.
Acceptable use
The National Library provides public access to information and communication technology resources free of charge for study, reference and research purposes.
The resources include the National Library s website, catalogue, electronic resources on subscription and the Internet.
Information and communication technology resources are available via public computers in all the Library’s reading rooms. Readers and visitors may connect to the Library’s Wireless Service throughout the building and surrounding podium.
The Library develops its collections by building strong community connections, engaging with issues of contemporary significance and undertaking leadership activities, including innovating to address the impact of changing technologies on collecting and acquisition processes.
This section of the policy addresses the strategies, methodologies and range of approaches that the Library uses to acquire material, but does not include procedures, systems and workflows that the Library uses internally to acquire materials. Current information on these processes for publishers, creators and donors is available through the Library’s website, as well as related policy documents, including information about legal deposit and donating to the collection.
Corporate Plan 2020-21: Covering reporting periods 2020-21 to 2023-24
On behalf of the Council of the National Library of Australia (the accountable authority), we present the National Library’s 2020–21 Corporate Plan, as required under paragraph 35(1)(b) of the
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. The plan is prepared in accordance with the
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014.
The Corporate Plan is the principal planning document that outlines the Library’s purpose, priorities and proposed actions. We report against the plan in the National Library of Australia Annual Report, tabled in parliament each year by the Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts.
Corporate Plan 2019-20: Covering reporting periods 2019-20 to 2022-23
On behalf of the Council of the National Library of Australia (the accountable authority), we present the National Library’s 2019–20 Corporate Plan, as required under paragraph 31(1)(b) of the
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. The plan is prepared in accordance with the
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014. The Library’s Corporate Plan expands on the information contained in the 2019–20 Portfolio Budget Statements.
We will report against the plan in the National Library of Australia’s Annual Report, tabled in parliament each year by the Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts. The plan is the principal planning document that outlines the purpose, priorities and actions of the Library.